Why AttoTude

Hello! I am Dave Welch, the co-founder and CEO of AttoTude.

AI is already supercharging changes across our world. However, its exponential growth comes at the cost of the enormous energy needed to fuel massive data center complexes. 

Over the past four decades, I have witnessed incredible innovations in the telecommunications space. As recently as the 1990s, the highest bandwidth event was Mother’s Day. Today, the highest bandwidth events are no longer human interactions but the constant, data-rich communications between machines that power our society.

My team and I identified an opportunity to radically innovate interconnection technologies for data centers.

The technology we are developing will drastically reduce the amount of energy needed to interconnect the AI apparatus at the heart of the data centers while meeting the scaling required for bandwidth and reliability, further expanding the ability to cluster the AI infrastructure at a lower cost.

Our vision at AttoTude is to reduce the burden data centers have on our power grid so that innovation can be limitless.

Dave Welch

Founder & CEO